Selling Stock Photo and Video is a good way to earn a bit of cash from photos you have sitting around on a hard drive. It's also a good way to see what photos sell, what people are searching for and interested in. Using a site like Shutterstock or Getty iStock, you can build a portfolio and reach customers. Some photographers can earn a lot from selling stock photos and videos, while others earn enough to buy a cup of coffee.
I joined Shutterstock in July 2020 as an experiment to see if anyone would be interested in my photos. It's now JULY 2021. The first YEAR on Shutterstock selling Commercial and Editorial Photos and Videos. Depending on the License, photos sell for 10 cents or more. Here are some of my Shutterstock Photos SOLD from July 2020 to July 2021. Thank you to everyone who bought my work! More to come!
Original Video and Photos by Albert Art
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